Monday, March 03, 2008


I spent the weekend, and my birthday, at the mystery school, assisting the 2nd-year class. We were studying a defense structure--called the schizoid defense by Reich--that is deeply conflicted about being incarnate, being human, living on earth. This defense is characterized by anxiety and fear, and the experience is often one of fragmentation and "checking out." Spending the weekend in that energy was challenging; I found myself feeling distracted, fidgety, irritable. The curative is to ground.

I found myself thinking about one of the tenets, if you will, that I value most in Wicca: life on this earth is utterly sacred and holy. Divinity isn't elsewhere; it's right here. In this moment, in this body, on this land. To hate any part of that, or to wish that it were different, is to fragment, to cut ourselves off from Goddess. If we Witches had blasphemy, that would be it. But the concept of blasphemy connotes blame, and we can't blame ourselves for wanting to escape or for desiring things to be different. That, too, is part of what it means to be human.


Alex Pendragon said...

I don't want to be different in order to be better, I want to be better at being me. I am not offending my being by wanting to lose 15 lbs of it, I just want it to be lighter.

I could probably improve a hundred aspects of myself, but I am not going to stress out for having failed at 85% of it.

Inanna said...

Hi the Michael,

The paradox, I believe, is that acceptance of oneself and one's situation is the portal to change. I think that for most people, hating one's body and using punitive methods to lose weight don't work--not to mention what those methods do to the soul.

You've chosen an example--losing weight--that is among the most culturally fraught and laden sorts of change. My belief is that while complete acceptance of and love for one's human body may cause changes in one's behavior or physical being, it's far preferable to honor one's body than to change weight.