Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Songs for spring

Joanna Powell Colbert has created a playlist on iTunes called "Spring Songs for the Pagan Wheel of the Year." It's absolutely fabulous. I downloaded the list from iTunes and have been listening to it a couple times a day for the last few days. Most of the songs I haven't heard before. They're perfect for this time between Imbolc and Ostara when we're just starting to get inklings of spring - a smell in the air, a brave crocus.

You can find the link to iTunes here. The playlist costs $12 and change. Joanna promises us more playlists, and I for one can't wait. She has great taste.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:-) I'm really glad you liked it so much!

I'm a little frustrated though that some of my favorite Goddess musicians who do seasonal and devotional songs, like Jennifer Berezan, Ruth Barrett and Lisa Theil, don't seem to have their songs available for download anywhere online. I think you'd *really* like the Spring playlist I hear on my iPod!

Thank you, Inanna!