Friday, January 02, 2009

And still not yet

Thanks to everyone who keeps checking in. I will keep you posted.

We've descended into quite a bit of silliness in the household. I want the baby to know that eager as we were to meet her/him, we also had a lot of fun waiting. And waiting...


Anonymous said...

Well you know us Capricorns . . . we do things in our sweet time. :-) Here's hoping the little one will arrive soon, sweetly and safely. Blessings to all of you.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this would work for you, but my mother cooked dinner for 25 people the night before I was born. Well, maybe some activity a little less extreme than that... (and I ended up being born at 12:05pm on Christmas Day).


Aquila ka Hecate said...

Take your time, little one.

Paying attention, taking care!
Terri in Joburg

Hecate said...

Smart little baby! Doesn't want to come out into the cold! S/he'll be here in her/his own sweet time. Meanwhile, sleep as much as you can!

Livia Indica said...

I've never had a child myself but if there's anything I've learned from the birth stories of others is that they will come in their own time. My brother and I were both born on the 2nd of our respective months. And my sister was due on the 3rd of August. My mom, being the anal retentive that she is, wanted all her kids born on the 2nd. So on the night of the 1st she made extra trips up and down stairs to no avail. My sister waited until the 18th.

Happy birthing!

ArachneDefiant said...

All the best to you as you await your little one - blessings, happiness, and peace upon your household during this time of transition and wonderfully blessed event.